IS-SEE 11.110 Virtual Camp Environmentally Aware — Learn from Home


Description: Over the past year, all the changes connected to COVID-19 have posed new challenges to all of us. Many workcamps had to be cancelled. Volunteers who were excited to work in an intercultural group in a foreign country could not make it to their camps and many of us were forced to stay within their own houses for months.
However, not only bad things came out of this. During lockdown we started to host our first virtual camps and learnt that online meetings are a great way of connecting with people all across the world and promoting our ideals and environmental awareness, even without meeting physically. Join us in this virtual camp to volunteer and learn in a different way!

Type of Work: What will we be working on together? SEEDS camp leaders will be creating opportunities for you to focus on different current environmental and sustainability issues through a selection of workshops and activities online. One of our aims is to help create more environmentally aware consumers and travellers. During this camp participants can share their love for (and learn more about) global and local environmental topics such as climate change, waste management, sustainable solutions.
There will be two to three different sessions each day. As each of our camp leaders have focused on specific topics according to their knowledge and experiences, the sessions we offer can be arranged with the participants based on what they are more interested in and can include:

Study Theme: Plant-based cooking & vegetarian baking classes
DIY natural self-care or cleaning products tips
DIY repurposing plastic bottles/used products workshops
Everyday eco-friendly habits workshops
Overall Iceland introduction and Iceland-related environmental issues workshops
Presentations about the effects of tourism and slow-travel tips
Presentations about the problems of fashion industry and clothes upcycling tips
Presentations about climate change and how to face deniers
Presentations about permaculture and urban agriculture
Fun and interesting environmental quizzes and documentaries

Accommodation: Your own home! It might not be a brand new experience, but hey, you might be missing out on sharing a room with the whole workcamp group or having to make a schedule for the showers. Is that really so bad…? Plus, in our virtual camp, you might have a chance to see how different homes all over the world look!

Language: English will be the language in the camp; conversational skills are required.

Requirements: Internet connection, and a laptop camera and microphone.
Applicants need to send us a concise motivation letter stating their interest to join. You must attend at least 80% of the activities and complete the homework and assignments in order to receive a certificate of attendance.

Approximate Location: This camp takes place online. It is accessible to everybody with a working internet connection. No borders, no visa, no need to travel, so you are saving CO2 emissions which is better for our beautiful planet! While it is important to keep physical distance at the moment, we can create social proximity in the digital world.
International workcamps were created 100 years ago to work towards mutual understanding, peace and solidarity beyond borders. Let’s keep this spirit and find new ways to get to know and support each other.

Notes: There is no participation fee for this camp, but you are of course welcome to support our work financially on a voluntary basis. The deadline for application is 20.05.